WC: 396

Upon entering Nayru's humble bedroom behind her, Bris noted that it seemed rather sparse compared to some of the other rooms in the house. Obviously, now that Nayru was able to use all of her forms, Bris would have to make sure to amend that. The broken down buildings of Wolfville and Berwick held enough useful furnature for a population ten times that of Dahlia. She didn't doubt she'd be able to find a few useful things to decorate the girl's chosen bedroom if she wanted. Of course, there were wolves who preferred the barest of things, and if that was what Nayru wanted, that was what she would get. All Bris cared about when it came to the girl was making sure she was happy and safe.

Bris' excitement nearly overflowed at the look of anticipation in the younger girl's eyes. She held her breath as Nayru ever-so-carefully pulled at the pouch strings, then grinned widely as the girl's face lit up when the bracelet was revealed. Even if the girl were mute, there was no mistaking the look of wonder and appreciation in her eyes. Bris' own eyes lit up as Nayru complimented the bejeweled piece and asked for her help in putting it on. "You like it? It's the first one I've ever made for someone other than myself, and let me tell you, it's so much harder designing something that's not for you!" Still smiling, Bris gathered the bracelet up and unclasped it with her deft fingers, so used to fiddling with the tiny, often fragile adornments the humans had worn in their time. In anything she made, the clasp was always the most important thing for her to improve on, as there was no possible way the tiny, flimsy clasps of the original jewelry would ever hold up against the were that wolves could put them through.

It took hardly any time at all for Bris to fasten the bracelet around Nayru's wrist, and she chewed her lip as she noticed that it seemed just a tad too big for the placement. Taking a step back to better assess the situation, Bris' smile turned into a thoughtful look of contemplation. "You know, that might actually be a bit too big for your wrist. If you want, I can make it a bit smaller, unless you prefer to wear it another way."

Table by Marishka!
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