we have big dreams & big dream takers

is ok <3 300+

After her call was completed, she stood there, slightly fidgety as she waited for someone (hopefully Conor) to happen upon her. It wasn't often that she ventured away from Crimson Dreams to visit another pack. The only other place she went to on a regular basis was AniWaya for her lessons with Dawali, and she just went in and found him without announcing herself prior. In fact, now that she thought of it, she had never even visited any other pack aside from the tribe. She wasn't used to this sort of thing, and so it made her nervous. If someone other than Conor came, would they be mad at her? She honestly didn't know, for she had never greeted anyone at her home's borders, or seen someone else do so. A myriad of questions began to fly through her mind and she hoped she hadn't made some breach of etiquitte.

Thankfully the girl didn't have a long time to mull over on her worries, for the very wolf she had come to see was eagerly walking toward her. Immediately her face lit up and her tail wagged at the sight of him. "Hello Conor," she greeted back and returned his nuzzle full heartedly. Despite all the cousins that she had, he was the one that she was closest to, and seeing him was always a special treat. "I figured I would come surprise you. I hope I'm not interrupting anything." From his demeanor it didn't appear that she was, but she wanted to make sure nonetheless. As he motioned that she could come further she walked up to be side by side with him, her eyes briefly looking over the scenery before returning to him. "It's good to see you too. I hope that you've been well, since I last saw you." It hadn't been too long since he had last come to Crimson Dreams, but Cambria knew how quickly things could make a turn, for better or worse.

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