when the day met the night
grrr for my silly tutor. I want to stay at home and post >_>;; I'll be back around 9ish.

Why would my mom have babies with two different people.. and why would she leave your dad? He was truly naïve and didn't understand the real way things worked in the world, so he didn't understand what Faolin had told him. Though he was glad that he had someone that shared his blood close to him at such a turbulent time even if he just met her. She kept nudging him, and if it was his mom nudging him he would have probably just snapped at her and fallen to the floor. But for fear of being impolite, he sighed and got up on his haunches again, even though they ached like crazy. I guess not. I hope she's okay though.. I don't even know where she and Dad went. Did you...wait. My dad's your uncle? That's really weird... Is that supposed to happen? He hoped he wasn't being too annoying, asking question after question. But one more shouldn't hurt. Can I play with you, or play a game or something?My family didn't really mention you, and I think you're really nice. Maybe we can be friends.


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