For Your Wondering

yay! such a different mood than the "I'm pregnant" thread xD 300+

It was true, when Anu had first told him about being pregnant, he hadn't reacted in the best possible way. There had been some jealousy on his part, wanting to remain his mother's favorite son and not knowing how to cope with the idea of sharing her with new lives. He had quickly gotten over those idea though, for how could he begrudge her something so fulfilling? Haven knew what an absolutely wonderful mother Anu was and he would have been nothing short of a blind git to be too concerned with his own bad feelings to feel the happiness she deserved. They still whispered in his ear from time to time, but he worked his hardest not to give them any credence. What he needed to worry about was being a good brother, not about how the pups might negatively affect his life and relationship with his mother. New pups wouldn't make her love him any less. It was foolishness to think so.

He was glad that Mati was here with him for this first encounter. Not only did it help to dissuade any lingering negativity, but she knew how to handle pups and he quite honestly did not. It wasn't long after Savina and Kansas' first litter was born that he had fled Crimson Dreams and there were no youngsters in Cours that he had contact with. Females had instincts to help them along in these situations if they didn't have experience. Males, like him, were not so blessed. Mati went and had a seat by where they were cuddle together and he joined her on the floor, looking at the tiny forms with excitement and nervousness.

The Knight watched with intense curiosity as his sister picked up the first pup, his ears straining forward, nose sniffing and twitching to catch the young one's scent. She told him what to do and he complied. When the pup was handed over to him, his eyes grew wide with wonder. Carefully he set the little body in his lap, his hands placed on either side to make sure he didn't tumble or fall. It was so amazing, that life could come in so small a package and grow up to be their size. Being put temporarily in charge of that delicate life, he felt warmth seep into his chest and wrap around his heart, a tie binding him to the male pup. "Alder," he repeated almost breathlessly. His jades glanced over at his sister's lap, the two other pups much more mobile than the one in his lap. "What're their names?" Haven was a little overwhelmed by this whole experience, but was enjoying it immensely regardless.

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