World Return

Yay! 8D 300+

He woke that day and gone on his usual patrol of the borders, making sure all was in order. The day was beautiful and as he looked at the pure blue sky he found himself thinking of his mother and the three little boys she was now busy raising back in Crimson Dreams. Haven had gone to see them, but they had been very young and not yet able to speak. He wondered if they remembered him and felt guilty for not being able to be in their lives more often. That guilt and curiosity had continued to pull at him and eventually he had turned towards home to let Princess know that he was going to be making a short trip to Crimson Dreams to check in on his mother's new brood. It had been long enough that they would likely be starting to make their way around on their own now, and he didn't want to miss anything more before they continued to grow.

While he hadn't pushed Drogon hard in their ride to the lands he had been born in, he hadn't gone at any leisurely pace. Haven wanted to make good time, to be sure to have as much time to spend there as he was able to spare this day. When night came, he would have to return back to his home and his mate, but he could spare the afternoon. In fact he had no desire to do anything else. They had made the trip enough times that the Knight didn't even need to instruct the mustang as to where to go. He knew perfectly well, and made a straight shot for the landmark figure of the mansion.

As they rode, and the top of the large house came into view he could feel his anticipation skyrocket. It was all he could do to keep from vaulting off Drogon and running the rest of the distance himself. Haven knew better than that though. Doing something like that would risk sprained or broken bones and the stallion would give him a good bite on his backside for being so daft. So he stayed not-so-patiently on the horse's broad back until they were just about at the porch. He slowed Drogon and dismounted, walking with the horse the rest of the way. Quickly a small form was spotted on the porch of the mansion and his jade eyes lit up, a large smile forming on his face. The Knight and steed stopped at the foot of the porch and he called out a friendly greeting. "Hello there. What're you doing out here all by yourself?" Haven thought that it was Alder, but he needed to get a better look at his face to be certain.

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