with you, i am home
OOC: Figuring we could speed up some of the traveling with a little bit of a gloss over type of thing. PM me if you'd like for it to change.

It seemed that only a second had passed before Pripyat expressed his readiness. Geneva couldn't help the smile that split her face. She was so proud of him. How could someone so accepting and selfless have resulted from her? There was a goodness in Pripyat. Although he might not have wanted to go, she knew that he was considering her own needs as well. It was startling to think that someone so young could think outside of themselves, but her blue-eyed boy was an extraordinary creature. She felt her heart swelling with love and pride as he stood taller. One day, he would grow to be a fine man. Her boy.

He did not seem to want to delay. The Whilom shot one glance back at Raven Beacon. There were some things that were useful in there, in terms of worldy possessions. But looking back at her blue-eyed son, the olive-eyed wolfess knew that everything she needed to be "home" was right in front of her. There was no reason to delay their departure. There were plenty of supplies back at the ranch, and if they did have a need of something from the coast, she could always return to retrieve such items.

The trip was not necessarily arduous, but it was long. This was the farthest that Pripyat would have traveled yet in his young life. They crossed a smattering of different kinds of terrain after leaving the sandy coast. The feeling of coarse yet soft sand beneath her feet disappearing was kind of strange. Through the course of the warm August day, they traveled at a brisk pace. At times she would point out a few different things to her son, and then eventually in the distance, the rustic barn and ranch rose into view. "There," she said.

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