I don't slee[p], I dream
http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s304 ... header.png); background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top:300px; background-position:top center; background-color:#8C0D00">

------A grin tugged at the corners of Anselm's lips, even as he felt Gabe's head contact with his shoulder and send him scrambling for balance. Had he been braced, the head butt probably would have amounted to much less... but as any physicist knows, the coefficient of kinetic friction is much lower than that of static friction. It was a clever way to use the laws of nature against him, and Anselm skidded off to the side and had to lay down in a crouch in order to keep from tumbling head over heels further down the hill. Here, his clamped jaws parted and his tongue snaked out one side, and he only lay here for several moments, panting to dissipate his own excitement and the effects of the adrenaline now racing through his veins.
------Far from looking for an all out fight, he did not leap up once more for a second assault. He was satisfied with what he had seen; quick reflexes, quick thinking, and good judgement. He remained in this position for a few moments more, before raising slowly to his feet. An inappropriate amount of time had passed, but Anselm had a habit of taking his sweet old time when it came to organising his thoughts. He was not one to speak without thinking first. "So the rumours are true, and my suspicions confirmed," he finally exhaled. "Gabriel de le Poer," he addressed his cousin, "what brings you to these wastelands?" Anselm would be more willing to answer questions himself once he had a better grasp on the situation. After another moment of consideration, he added: "Not that I reject the possibility of a powerful ally." In this, a suggestion, a question, and an offer.


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