creating something out of nothing

Why thank you, my dear! I enjoy your writing as well!

It wasn’t long that Clover had been lying there before sleep stole her away from reality. She hadn’t meant for her closed eyes to allow her to slip away, but serene state of comfort had coaxed her. In dream land she was back with Juniper Peace, frolicking as a youngster among the large group of hippies. The sound of music filled the air, accompanied by the rich voices and laughter and the sweet smell of cannabis. Her own straw colored eyes met with olive green and the young coyote’s heart seemed to race beneath her ribs. It was a hopeless crush, she knew, but Clover couldn’t help the warm, childish feelings that circulated through her body.

And then, her dream was broken away and the olive green of his eyes seemed to vanish. A voice, distant and yet so clear, seemed to be summoning Clover back to reality. And just like that, she was awake again. Straw eyes blinked the rays of sun that seemed to blind as Clover peered towards the owner of the voice. One hand rose to block the sun, and Clover lifted herself into a sitting position, all the while taking in the view of the young man that stood near her. "Oh, sorry love. I musta fallen asleep." She dropped her hand from blocking the sun and ran it through her walnut hair, combing out any tangles with her fingertips. Eyes, however, never left the boy as she studied his unusual and yet handsome coloring. "Please, sit. Make yourself comfortable," her features soft as she spoke and her other hand gesturing towards the tapestry splayed beneath her. "What’s your name, love?"

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