An Old Man's Quest: Part 1

I apologize for the shoddyness of this post... Muse is a little... off. I've been having bad headaches.

"Aside from my family." Surely he couldn't just mean himself and Savina. It made sense to Marcus that by now, Ehno would have found a mate and started a family. Savina may have well done the same. For all Marcus knew, the Marino family might have hundreds of members all across these lands. This was the thrill of adventure. This was the thrill of wondering just how vast something could be, miles before you have reached it. Though Marcus was well aware that the Marinos could not be more than about 30 in numbers, based on Ehno's age, and Marcus' prediction of Savina's age, it was amusing to imagine a legion of Marinos dominating the countryside, all rich with Italian culture. My very own Little Italy, thought Marcus.

The old man's fantasies were soon cut short. As the young Marino had said, most people in Crimson Dreams spoke no more than English. This seemed odd to Marcus. He wondered how large this land actually was. His charts had led him to believe that the lands of Canada were incredibly large, and life-bearing, yet what he saw before him, and what he heard from his new Italian contact, all pointed towards the entire territory being little more than a third world establishment. Even the small Isle of Britain held many different people, sporting many different languages, each with many different dialects. Liverpool alone held enough culture to fuel a whole continent, and most of that language and culture made it's way out to sea. Surely more than just Ehno and Savina had made it.

But the truth returned to Marcus with Ehno's next words. It was true, he hadn't been around for too long. Certainly not long enough to draw any conclusions. The old man's brow raised, and his mouth jarred for a moment. "No, no, not long at all. In fact, I just came to shore yesterday. My ship is still anchored down at the beach." An old arm pointed towards the South, where his ship rest. "It's good to be back on solid ground. Even better to be speaking to a..." Marcus' head turned to the side. What word was he searching for? "Familiar, entity." Marcus chuckled a pathetic chuckle, as if he was surprised at his own stupidity. He took out his left fob watch, regarded it's face, and frowned. "Bloody thing," he said with extreme disdain. "I can never remember which one of these things works." He tucked the watch back into his left waistcoat pocket, and reorganized the beads which held the pocket shut.

wc = 489

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