M - omnipresent knife in my back


Drawing was always a means of personal escape, and even more so, a means that didn't make her seem so useless, damaged, broken. Her self-esteem coupled with her traumatic past often led her to believe she was good for nothing, not of any material use that could benefit anyone in the majority. She couldn't match up with those who had more Alpha like qualities to them, even though the Lykoi blood within her was a legacy of strong-willed souls. Talitha was strong deep down, but a victim to her own critic and negative feeding conscious. It had been all suppressed, one could see the heaviness of her negative conscious in the creases of her face and of her eyes. Her means of personal escape was drawing, and even a release to her inner torment. If only the pages of her personal journal were published, there would be a lot of inner torture and carnage to be had, even from someone who looked like a simple hybrid like herself, who looked like she lived a life of no hardships.

There was something about Cotl that was very different, in his own category, very alluring. Short height at best, but that was no excuse to be toned and taut like he was, to be strong in his own category. When his fire and ice eyes glanced to the duplicate drawing within the pages of her journal, her arm instinctively tried to move over the picture to shadow it, as if protecting it from the outside world. Talitha was an artist only when nobody else was observing her art, and otherwise, it was something that she found to be very secretive. It was a part of herself that nobody knew, and perhaps deserved to be hidden from those who didn't know her well. It was too late for her to shadow up her drawing, as she withdrew her arm as Cotl said that anyone who had talent to copy something else line for line, stroke for stroke, that it was a skill. She looked down at what was drawn so far, and back up at Cotl. "Yeah, you know. I think you're right. I haven't came across too many who can draw, or even like to draw." It was true, many of those who she tried to generally meet and greet always said something about drawing that made it seem like some tree-hugger type of craft. It wasn't a manly thing, and usually there were other things to worry about instead of drawing.

Expressing his formal greeting, Talitha began to lighten up a little from her initial surprise of him creeping upon her from down the hall. "Nice to meet you too, Cotl. Haven't met too many of us yet, just came back several days ago." Talitha noted of her return, and there was a lot of catching up to do with the locals. Mentioning Kaena, there was something in her ruby eyes that lit up at the mention of the scarred woman's name. "Yes, Kaena's actually my grandmother. I haven't seen any of her art, but would be interested to check it out." Talitha couldn't recall whether or not the grandmother and granddaughter discussed any art related topics, and once she seen Kaena again, would have to ask about her own artistic musings. Carrying on with another obscene introduction, Talitha found the random outbursts to be a little amusing, but held back a laugh or a smirk to not offend him (it was catching onto her by the way he twitched and blurted that he might have had a serious condition about him). Speaking about inks though, inks for tattoos and spray painting was all that he had in his artistic arsenal. A lot better than what she had. "No, all I have are these boring pencils for now. Haven't found any spare pens or paint around since coming back." She said, but was more interested in Cotl's talent of tattoos. "So you're a tattoo artist, really? That's pretty impressive, I haven't ever met one before! Are the ones on your body done by yours truly?" She said, indicating to the skull upon his abdomen, and even the one that was eloquently written out along his thigh from what Talitha could see, and thought she caught a glimpse of another one on the top of his arm.


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