Hollow and Alone

      A pink tongue ran along dulled and worn teeth, mouth opening as he tested the wind a second time. Large nose was spotted and turning pink with age, weathered by many a storm and bleached by sunlight. It was cooler then he remembered the past summer nights to be, his thick pelt was grateful for it, the layers of fur had always been suited for days and nights of cold. But the world was different then his species that intended, his life had been different then he had intended. And now his life was nothing at all. He had fought to live, and he knew not why. He traveled over miles and miles, through a world that was covered with creatures unlike him, creatures who’s fear sought to finish him and caused him to retreat into a life of solitude. He had never wished for that, his nature was something that had once been known as cordial. But the beast had only become what all the others thought of him.

The predator told him it was time to feed, drawing him out of the thick woodland landscape. His orange and black pelt was apparent the moment he moved out of the greenery, darkness still not painting across the land with the fullest of opacities. Green eyes poured over the path that had been burned through the trees, nose falling and taking up the old and worn smells of the unlucky creatures that had walked it last. The further he traveled the cat uncovered scents that told him these lands were not without residents. Night had fallen fully now, and the scent of his enemy spoke to him. The large form paused, the memories that were written across his pelt in hairless lines brought an anger to him and he perused it. He should retreat, run from the canine that had time and time again spoke his claim of truce false and left him bleeding and marred.

She was alone, her scent so light and lacking any other wolf among it that the tiger could hardly believe it to be pure and alive. He would rid his newfound territory of the threat. A lone wolf was nothing for him to fear. His eyes met her in distance through the darkness, his true nature bringing forth a warning that was unlike any that could be brought forth by a native creature of the region. He warned the wolf, a piece of him remaining alive among the bitter anger that had been given to him over so many years, stopping him from stalking her any further. Stopping him from destroying her.

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