Green old grass

WC: --- OOC: lol oh no bearz!!!!

Niro could tell that something had changed in the whole atmosphere, and when he looked at Element he couldn’t help but let fear drive him to look at what the cat was staring at. There, a grizzley stood. Niro’s heart leapt to his mouth. He’d never been so close to a bear, and this thing was… well… massive. He looked around to figure out what to do. He wasn’t in his lupis form so he couldn’t even think of out running the creature. He knew that Element was small enough to fit into small crevices, if there were any, what had his mother taught him about the bears in the southernlands? Never look them in the eye… he diverted his eyes to Element, never run. Well he was too scared for that… walk away. But what would walking do? It would see him? He had to trust his mother’s judgment.

Move slowly away, don’t run.

He said in a quavering voice. He backed away, he had to make sure that Element would get out clean before he made his own departure. He would never leave anyone behind that didn’t deserve a cruel death for no reason.

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