memories inside a spiral notebook
<style type="text/css">#savina{width:400px; background-color:#050b2a; background-image:url( ... ina1-2.png); background-position:top; background-repeat:no-repeat; padding:none; margin:auto; border:1px solid #000000;}#savina p{color:#367697; font-family:arial, tahoma, verdana, sans-serif; line-height:14px; text-indent:20px; margin-bottom:-10px;}#savina b{color:#69afc2;}#savina i{color:#69afc2; float:right;}</style>
sounds good to me! Smile 300+

Savina didn't mind the summer, even if at times her dark coat made her a little uncomfortably warm. She much preferred to be too warm than to be too cold, and even after spending two winters in Nova Scotia she had not gotten accustomed to the frigid lows that the temperature dropped to here in the winter. Knowing that soon enough the weather would be making that turn, she wanted to spend as much time out in the warmth as she could manage. She was so thrilled to have such a beautiful day to spend some one-on-one time with her brother. They hadn't had the chance to spend much time together since getting over their rough patch, and now that those hurts were healed she was eager to reconnect. The Marino woman had wanted them to do something special, and taking a boat out on the water seemed the perfect idea to her. Her first sea voyage had been anything but pleasant, but this would only be a small trip on a much smaller vessel, so she hoped that she would find some enjoyment in it.

Ehno had managed to fix up one of the old boats on their lands and today they had taken it down to the beach to try it out. Even though she was a little nervous about it, she thought that taking it out on the ocean sounded much more fun then just floating it around on the lake and was happy that her brother had taken to the idea as well. Ehno had always had the more adventurous spirit, and when around him she couldn't help but to get a little infected with it. Though she didn't worry about him leaving so much anymore, taking small adventures like these would help to keep his wandering spirit placated she thought. Savina wanted her brother near, but she also wanted to make sure he was happy. He slid the boat into the water and seeming satisfied with it, beckoned her over. Her stomach did a bit of a flip as she walked over and clumsily crawled her way onto the floating vessel. The feeling of floating on the water brought back distinct memories of her voyage over from Italy. "Wow, it's so weird to be on a boat again, especially one so much smaller." It was a little intimidating, but she did like being able to see what was going on around her in the water.


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