duty without pain

No. The girl just looked up at the male, expecting more and felt a wave of relief when it came. Killin' ain’t that hard at all. As if he had read her mind. Perhaps he could sense the softness in her heart or there lingered uncertainties in her eyes or he recognized in her short comings he had seen in other. However he had read her mind, Nayru didn’t care, and she preferred her problem to be transparent so that she wouldn’t have to admit out loud that she was unable to do a task that others felt an instinctive pleasure in. Again her crimson eyes strayed to the carcass at the male’s feet, it did not stir any emotions in her then. Meat was just food, fuel for her body. Yet when it was breathing and alive, then it truly was something else. How to transform that something into food eluded her and Larkspur had realized this, which made the next words of the girl that much easier.

“How do you kill?” Again the true question was coded in the simple words. Nayru knew that to kill one only had to tear into the flesh of a weaker being; her fangs or claws or even weapons wielded in optime form could achieve this task. One only had to let out another’s blood loose and their life would leak away and then it would be as if they had never had one at all. Yet this was not what she asked, and her eyes and voice, soft and probing, asked the grizzled creature something else. They asked: how did one make the decision to steal another’s breath? How did one look on as another’s existence seeped out of their body?

The piebald fairy creature waited, hoping that this male, mostly a stranger except for a name, would be able to tell her what the others had failed to instill on her. Hoping that his answer wasn’t as simple as her questions had been, because Nayru knew that killing was not something that was just done and forgotten about. It just didn’t work that way, it couldn’t work that way, not for her.


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