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Table by Draggar ♥. Smile

The pair's straight forward and genial response genuinely pleased Geneva. She smiled pleasantly at them, some of her natural warmth shining through the mantle of authority she sometimes donned at the borders. Strangers naturally made the new mother wary. She found herself thinking three steps ahead of her current situation, something that she had not done instinctively before motherhood. The gray Whilom now looked at things from all different angles, and while she was still open-minded, she had so many more reasons to be guarded and cautious as well. She had never dreamed that there could be so many different facets within her life, so many dimensions that could push and pull her in different directions while she was making decisions. Often she tasted the bitter herb of responsibility spiced with the sweetness of love, and that made all the difference to her. Dimi and Sasha seemed open enough, making their intentions plain to see, and so she regarded them with the same honesty, deciding to make her own concerns known as well.

Geneva also realized that her mother tongue did not come so naturally to Dmitri, and Sasha did not speak very much either, although his words were flavored with honesty and friendliness, she felt. The look of concentration on Dmitri's face made Geneva decide to try to communicate more effectively with them. She made a conscious effort to pause the rhythm of her words, although she did not slow her speech so much that she would insult the pair. "Welcome, Dmitri and Aleksandr. My name is Geneva. I am the..." she looked for the right word, knowing that Phoenix Valley vernacular would probably not be the best understood by the nonnative speakers. "...the Advisor to the Alpha. It is possible for you to join the pack. But first I need to know a little bit about you. Can you tell me where you came from, why you want to join the pack, and what skills you have?"

Although the males were in two different forms, it was easy for Geneva to see that they were both physically fit and apparently healthy at first glance. Dmitri was particularly striking in his Optime form, but she could not decide if it was because of the contrasting colors of his pelt. His brows were dark across his face, lending even more character to his expression. Between the two of them, Aleksandr seemed to be more sociable. Despite the few words he had spoken, his body language seemed more open, or something like that. For a moment, her thoughts turned to Bindu, the young female who had quite suddenly fallen into her care. She hoped that the front that these two were presenting was indeed truthful, because Geneva had many relying on her judgment for their safety. The wolfess was a full head and shoulders shorter than her mate, Jefferson, and lithe and thin, her bones delicate and small. Her strength did not lay within her body; instead, the Whilom relied keenly upon her logic. The doubt she was feeling came from the sense of "newness" of actually operating in the pack again, she knew. With a little faith in herself, she hoped that this border interview would end well.

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