Hakuna Matata

Clover listened interestedly to Niro’s words as he told her about the feathers. Bashful, she drew away her hand and let her straw colored eyes find the view of the horizon. She wasn’t sure why she felt coy about her actions now, but it seemed as if this boy made her stomach churn ever so slightly. In all honesty, it scared her a little bit. She was thinking about asking him more about the feathers, but it seemed as if he had caught something. Instantly, Niro was jumping to his feet, discarding poor Marahute for now while he tended to his fishing rod. Clover looked on with eyes wide with intrigue as the big fish camp flopping out of the water fighting for a breath.

Her eyes shot to his with his question and Clover shook her head in dismay, her hair turning about her shoulders as gently as the waves of the ocean. "I’ve only ever used a net," she admitted, as she sat up on her knees and scooted closer. "I can try to help, though." Reaching out, Clover tried grasping at the fish so that perhaps Niro would be able to tend to the line still attached to its mouth. She wasn’t afraid of holding the fish, but found it increasingly difficult as it fought against her grasp. "He’s so slippery," she said, voice tinged with a soft laugh as the fish’s tail thrashed around. Despite the tricky situation they faced, Clover was rather enjoying herself.

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