You'll be the brightest star in the black
I don't even remember what we said we were gonna have them do, if we did say anything, after they eat the shroomz XD

She had been wondering about who to give those horses to for a while, as there weren't too many younger wolves in AniWaya, and this seemed like a good option. It would help strengthen things between them and Crimson Dreams, as well, she hoped. Horses weren't always easy to come by, and she would gladly give him some for both the sake of the family and the sake of the pack and tribe. With a horse, the pups would be able to travel longer distances and travel more safely, as well. She doubted anyone would try and attack someone on a big beast like that.

Ember examined the mushrooms when put before her eyes, picking one up. It certainly did look harmless. He had said that it wouldn't hurt her, too...hmm. Her life had been so serious since her run-in with Haku. She'd wanted for so many nights to be able to feel differently or think differently..or even be a different wolf. Maybe this was just what she needed. "Life's been pretty crappy lately..why not?" She said. "Do I eat the entire thing? Or..just certain parts of it?"


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