Hakuna Matata

WC: 510 (5 Points)

The fish continued to squirm around, and Clover took hold of it, it was pretty much chaos, but for Niro this was fun chaos, as she tried to keep a hold of it, he held onto its head and started looking for the hook, it wasn’t hard to find, and he pulled it around, it seemed pretty well stuck there, so he pulled harder, he could feel the cartilage of the fish’s mouth tear as he pulled the thing out of its mouth, he kept ahold of the slippery thing, trying to remember what Rurik did next after pulling it off the line. He could feel that the fish was already losing it’s battle for air, and soon it wouldn’t be trying to breath at all. Niro wished he brought a bucket with him, but it was ok, he was sure they could find very nice accomidations, most likely their bellies.

Yes, quite slippery indeed… now I’ve the faintest clue what to do.

He admitted. He wasn’t sure why but he thought he wasn’t going to actually catch a fish this time around, maybe it was because he had been alone for a while? Well he’d caught one now… and Clover helped him get it off, he knew that it was fair enough to give her some of the fish. He hadn’t noticed but the fish was now limp and quite dead. He didn’t know if he wanted to suffocate an animal, even a fish, rather than do something that would end its life quickly.

I’m kind of new at this myself, I borrowed the rod. I was sort of taught how to fish it seems I still have some learning to do.

He said sheepishly, letting go of the dead fish’s head. He looked around, it probably wasn’t the best spot for a fire so he couldn’t try cooking a fish, but he doubted it would taste bad raw also. He’d never scaled a fish though, he’d watched Liliya do it, but she was so good at it he barely saw the knife move over the fish before the scales were all gone. He took his own knife out and looked at the fish. He hesitated, not sure, and feeling slightly embarrassed that he’d not learn so many steps to fishing. Marahute flapped her wings and looked at the fish, a kind of hunger in her eyes. Niro knew fish wasn’t a huge part of a Golden Eagle’s diet but knew they would eat if there was some available, so he picked her up before she went after the fish.

Don’t suppose you know how to get the scales off do you?

He asked feeling bad he had to ask the guest how to do a job that he was suppose to be doing himself, like he should have learned beforehand, but he didn’t know, and he didn’t think to ask about it. He should have. It would have made this whole day easier, but he was having fun, which the thought brought a smile to his own face.

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