[M] - Mood swing
337 {3 points}

Layla couldn’t believe that a whole month had gone by since she first met Saluce. It seemed like only yesterday when she met the behemoth and fell into her trance. The mistress remembered that day well. She was just going over to speak to Conor and instead she was caught by his charm. She then snapped back to reality just in time to see the sparkle return to his eyes. She was glad to have the Saluce she knew back. Layla smiled and closed her eyes as she did; although, when she opened her eyes, Saluce’s position surprised her. He was on his knees and crawling towards. Now what was he going for. Could it possibly be he wanted to take her a step furthur than where they were already at. The mistress pulled back a bit in her surprise but then relaxed as he spoke.

“How have you been adjusting Layla? Have you been building a home for yourself?”

What an odd question for him to be asking. Had he really not know that she had found a home? It seemed not but she best fill him in. ”Yeah I have found a home. It’s actually kinda close by.” The mistress turned a bit and pointed towards her home. It wasn’t exactly in view but it was only a short walk back. Layla then moved her ears and turned back to him as he mentioned it was lonely at home. Of course, that was his drive this whole time. Now she was sure of it, he wanted her a bit closer than he was letting it out. She turned back to him and laid down a bit, looking up to the behemoth from the ground. ”Yeah… it does get kinda lonely at home alone… So then Saluce, you offering me to stay with you? I could always move you know.” She wagged her tail in the grass as the mistress fixed her orbs on his, returning the trance she was so familiar with.


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