только то&#1
Dmitri had been running around all day just enjoying their new home; his paws were sore too, but since he was usually always in Optime form walking didn't hurt him. He did have to stop messing with everything because of a particularly bothersome blister on his right hand; he'd popped it earlier and now it was stinging and burning like a bitch. And it got worse every time he moved a finger or something. As he walked he tried not to mess with it but he kept poking at the area by the popped blister like some stupid masochistic kid who kept putting his hand on the stove even though it hurt terribly every time. He bit his lip, nearly running into a tree before he stopped at hearing Sasha call. Dimi glanced in the direction he'd heard his brother's voice before loping over and popping out from behind a tree with a grin on his face.

"Vot zdesʹ!" he said cheekily before squatting down into a more comfortable position. "Razve nuzhno chto-to, Sasha?" Dimi toned down his stupidity some and gave one of his curious headtilts, tail sweeping across the ground friendlily.

He found he was having quite a good time here, unlike Sasha. He could understand his discomfort though; he was always the one who took to the more simplistic way of living back home with their tribe. Dimi had always wanted more; he'd be bored easily with just surviving. He wanted to live, to learn-- not that there wasn't a lot to learn back with their family... it just wasn't what he wanted to learn. And now Sasha was stuck in the opposite situation. He just hoped his dear brother adapted; he wasn't going to force him to wear clothes or conform like he was trying to do himself.

Dimi edged closer to Sasha before giving him a brotherly nudge. "Kak vy dushe on zdesʹ?" He hoped the answer wasn't "it sucks". But then it had been Sasha's want to leave England to come here.... but he wasn't going to rub that in, he wasn't that mean.

Vot zdes'! = Right here!
Razve nuzhno chto-to, Sasha? = Did you need something, Sasha?
Kak vy dushe on zdesʹ? = How are you liking it here?


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