looking for help

Table by Draggar ♥. Sorry for the delay! Classes just started, but now I am in the swing of these things. Slight PP to get things moving along. Let me know if you don't like it, and I can alter this post. Just PM me! Smile

This time the girl did not speak, just mutely shook her head. It seemed she was capable of communication. But her thoughts seemed to remain muddled. And it was also easy for the Whilom to see the indecision within her. The wolfdog obviously needed aid of some sort, if only someone to provide her a place to rest and recover. Geneva did not know the extent of the hybrid girl's pain, suffering, or ordeals, but she knew that she would not turn her away, not like this. What if she stumbled away and happened upon someone who would take advantage of her in this state? In good conscience, Geneva could not turn this girl away. And in her current state, she did not constitute a threat to her pack, not even a minor one.

She did not want to seem to be touched. In fact, her dark eyes were fixated on her outstretched hand. Geneva instinctively curled her fingers into a loose relaxed fist and withdrew her impending touch. Perhaps that would calm the wolfdog down. For now, she was intent on removing the girl from the wilderness and transferring her to the comparative safety and comfort of the ranch, where she would be better able to care for her. The new mother had already made the decision to put Bindu in one of the spare bedrooms of the ranch house. Jefferson kept residence in their old bedroom, and Geneva had been staying with her son in her old bedroom. The bedroom where she would lead Bindu would be right down the hall, close enough to care for her, but far enough away that she could keep Pripyat from disturbing her or possibly being hurt by her. In all things even remotely regarding her son, she was cautious.

"Come on," she said in a soft but firm voice, one she often reserved for Pripyat when he had wandered too far. "We need to clean you up." The girl's fur was matted and dirty. Geneva had no way of discerning the extent of the damage to her until she was clean. And Geneva knew from experience that the healing process was often better in a cleaner environment. Earlier in the day, Geneva had filled a basin in the back of the ranch to bathe Pripyat, something he was not especially fond of. But he would have to have a bath later. The wolfdog's needs were more immediate. "This way, it isn't far," she said, nudging her gently when she would try to stop or veer off course. The ranch was not far from here at all, and soon the wooded structure loomed in front of them, a beautiful but rustic and humble place. She took the short steps up to the porch and opened the door wide. "Come in. Let's get you clean," she urged the girl gently.

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