Life the bigger picture

Wc: 466(3 Points) OOC: if I did get the fact the scars may be visible wrong I’ll change it :3

Niro had no idea who Haku was, but he looked at Amaranth fully now. He didn’t know he’d had tears in his eyes until he could see straight… that’s what he got for getting hurt he thought to himself. He could now see there were parts on her that had newly healing scars. Something he should have seen if he wasn’t so stuck on himself as of late. His eyes narrowed, it seemed Haku wasn’t a friend of hers. He was afraid of what he had to ask next, but he was feeling rather protective at the sight of her demeanor.

What did he do to you.

He said, that was before she put her warm hand on him. It felt nice… but he had to keep his head straight, after the drink he knew he’d probably start thinking the way he did when he’d lain with Liliya, and Niro now knew he cared deeply enough for Amaranth that he wasn’t going to make a same mistake twice. She started helping him with his bandage. It hurt as she got to his bare skin where his toe had been amputated, but instead of whining he bit his lip, he’d pulled back a few times, but was quiet until she had it entirely unwound.

Yes, hunting accident, I suppose I had too much on my mind and I got a little too cocky

He said in a strained voice. The area where his toe had been wasn’t leaking blood, but he could see that it was bleeding slightly, not as bad as he’d seen it when Alaine changed his bandages the first time. How he could lose so much and still be alive he never knew. He was just glad to actually be alive. He looked at the younger wolf, his green eyes sticking to her purple ones. She’d definitely changed, he told himself, she was much more reserved, much more angrier than he’d remembered. He had first met her learning how to fight with a staff, when she first changed. She had been six months then. Now she must have been coming close to a year old. The thought made Niro feel overwhelmed… she wasn’t much younger than he was. It was just a shock to think about, because he’d seen her as a somewhat young pup. Now she was growing into a fully grown wolf. Marahute was watching Amaranth the whole time, she took a part of the bandage and shook her head up and down, possibly thinking that it would help them, even though the bandage was off Niro’s foot. He knew he wouldn’t put it back on… at least not until it was dry, so he might as well be stuck here, but from the looks of things, he had good company just bad stories…

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