smoke on the breeze.

The sable coyote was not as skilled in this aspect as she was with the blood and organs. There were some in Eterne who did not even require a piece of someone to make their dolls work, but Eris had never been trained in such arts, and even if she had been, she simply did not possess the natural skill required for such tasks. Her own talent was with blood, with the seat of blood in the body—the liver. That was where she derived her power, and that was how she had to animate this tiny wooden imitation. Of course, the sable-shaded hybrid did not need anything along the caliber of a wolf's liver to animate this little thing; the blood and force of a small prey animal would do the trick just well.

A voice startled her, and she drew back, squinting her one good chartreuse eye at the other man. The sable-shaded woman looked more like her mother than she would have liked to hear at that very moment, what with her one eye swollen shut. Eris was in no mood for company, but the wolf did not look a thing like her—a non-Lykoi seemed a rare thing to find, and so the sable woman proped up the little doll, skittering it back and forth on her knees in a parody of walking. “Making a little dollie,” the woman cooed, smiling through her broken face at the other canine, genuinely pleased with herself despite her sour mood and pain. Moving her face in such a manner caused pain, of course, so as quickly as the smile appeared, it was gone, replaced with a scowl at the sudden jolt of discomfort that shot through her face.

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