You'll be the brightest star in the black
Big Grin Yesss

She didn't elaborate on exactly how crappy things had been in the last few weeks, choosing to remain silent. What would her brother think of her if she told him about how stupid she had been with Haku? She'd untied the werewolf and had given him the ability to hurt her. She hadn't come across someone as sinister as him in a good long while; perhaps that was why she had been so stupidly trusting. She would learn, though, and file that experience back in her mind to better prepare for the next time that she would meet such a being.

She watched as he swallowed the mushroom before looking at the one in her own hand. Should she eat them all at the same time like he had? If they tasted as bad as he said, she probably should. Ember took the rest from his hand along with her original one, putting them into her mouth and swallowing them in one go. They were just as nasty as he had said! She spat a few times to get the taste out of her mouth a little, then coughed. "W-what are they supposed to do again? Make you feel funny?" She didn't feel funny yet. Ember sat down where she had stood, looking up at him.


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