Woe of a wolf

WC: 511 (5 Points) OOC: Niro hasn’t told anyone yet till now such a special sis!!

Niro had been given some pain reliever but he’d yet to use much of it. He shrugged, feeling better she did still care for him in such a way she didn’t want to see him in pain, but it still made him wonder why she’d taken off without telling him. Her outburst started to anger him slightly more, as if he could find her in the vast universe. He had tried once or twice but her scent trail was gone, he was no hound with the best nose ever and he never taught his birds to track wolves.

Scents leave after a time dear sister, I did try to look for you. I couldn’t find you.

He grumbled, another weakness showing, he wasn’t the best at everything. He wasn’t able to find her, although he’d been quite calm of late, probably from the drinking and talking, especially to princess, he had been less antsy as he normally would have been.

We are in fact at the end of August…

Niro’s sarcasm came to a halt… she was his only blood, and he was treating her horribly, he knew that he shouldn’t be doing such a thing, not after she’d led them here. He finally lived his head to look at her. She was surely disheveled, her hair was in knots and her dye was coming out too, the pink wasn’t so vibrant a color as it had once been. She basically let herself go the time she was out on her own.

I’m sorry, I’m just not myself right now, it’s the first time in a good few days I’ve been able to get out… it really is good to see you.

Niro tried a smile, but the depression he was feeling was still sticking to him and it faltered. He wondered if he’d gotten into all this trouble if she’d been around. That was when he knew he had to confess all that happened.

I… I did bad things when you were gone… I don’t know about the first part, I mean I cant’ remember but I think I did something with a total stranger… I can’t tell you if I did or do I expect to ever find out… and then… well Liliya… she came to me one night, she was all sweet and everything and well we mated and I think I scared her off… it’s why I went on the hunt… I knew it would get my mind off of things, but I got too sure of myself…

He said trailing off, not sure if his sister would just walk away, or feel sorry for him… both of which he didn’t want… or even a scolding… maybe he did want the scolding, to let him know he really did do something wrong… He wasn’t sure of anything anymore, he turned his head the opposite way of Orin out to the overgrown garden. His mind flashing at an angry looking sister who would be about to slap him at any time, he was ready and waiting for it.

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