The Devil Returns

WC: 408 {3 points}

The cave was just as cool as Sepirah figured it would be. Being raised in the desert was kind of rough. It was always too hot and there was not enough food or water. Life was miserable. Thankfully she found her way here to the Inferni pack a while ago. It was the place where she met her grandmother Kaena Lykoi. As the day passed one, the heat only seemed to get worse. Thankfully the caves were just what she needed. Moments passed as she began to think of what she would be doing for her home. She wanted to discuss it with her brothers, but they were no where to be found. A soft sigh passed her lips as she turned to the entrance of the cave.

Just then a familiar scent passed her nose. Sepirah remembered that scent anywhere. It was the scent of a lykoi. What a family name. She had so much of an extended family in Inferni that she figured this was no pack. This was just one huge family. As the tired jackel raised herself up, she saw a a figure at the entrance to her cave. As she lingered forward, she realized that this was none other than her grandmother Kaena. What a wonderful person to have around while everyone else was off doing their own thing. With a kindly gesture she welcomed the old coyote into her cave. Once she had entered, the dark princess circled around before she returned her posture on the ground, looking to her dear grandmother as she asked what had her so down. Another sigh passed her as she spoke. "Oh grandmother Kaena... no one's really around and I haven't seen my brothers. I'd like to find a home we can all share but it's like they're avoiding me. I don't know maybe I'm just not looking in the right places..."

As she mentioned looking for a home, she imaged her and her bothers sharing a den, each of them having their own quarters. There was no use imagining over it if neither of her brothers were turning up to look for a home. It was sad really. Here was Sepirah, wanting to set aside time to go looking with her siblings and they were not even around. The jackel wagged her tail a bit as she turned her devilish gaze to her grandmother. "By any chance have you seen either of my brothers grandmother?"

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