hold my breath

i fought in the old revolution
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Mine too! We should probably try to get this thread done pretty quick anyways.

Beppe noted the few steps that the girl took and started to walk along with her, aimlessly, through the forest. The atmosphere in here was quite lovely, he thought, so still and so calm. As the light filtered through the trees it seemed to be refined to perfection. On a cool spring day, this place was perfect.

"I'm Beppe," he replied. The boy didn't even think to give his last name. It wasn't really a part of himself he thought of often anyways, and he was sure that he was the only Beppe around so their wouldn't be any confusion. Last names seemed rather disposable to him, and he wasn't all that fond of his own anyways. "Nice to meet you," he said after a few steps, smiling softly as his eyes traced the path of the bare roots across the ground.

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on the side of the ghost and the King


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