A hunting we shall go...

300+ My goodness I'm awful

Liliya was gone, and she left in her departure a sadness in her brother. Anatoliy felt like something had happened to her that would cause her to flee from her family without more than that meager note. Once, the four of them had been close siblings, but it seemed once they had all parted ways and their other sister passed away, their closeness started to break down. If Toliy had abandoned his mother to go with Silas and Liliya to this land in the first place, he was sure that he would have earned more words from her than he had gotten. What had happened to her? One night she disappeared, not something uncommon for them or her siblings, and then she returned, nothing mentioned. And then, she was gone completely.

The call for the hunt snapped him out of his reverie; Anatoliy had been busy thinking. His mind returned to the now and his eyes shifted toward the direction of the caller. Rolling his shoulders, the Russo rose from his seat by the stream, the gurgle of it passing over the rocks reaching his ears once more. He had to get moving, get active. He wanted to help his sister through her journey wherever, but she never gave him a chance. Though, the Russian was not all that sure he would have gone with her, not with all he had here. Anann came to his mind almost instantly, and he smiled, knowing she would definitely be there for a hunt. Maybe it was time he stopped sulking and seek her company again, albeit more privately than now.

Just as he was coming up to the hotel, the Russo heard her voice and the question she posed. "Anatoliy is done moping around like some pup," he answered, accent heavy in his words as he came up behind the woman. He turned his head toward Niro. "I am sorry if I am late. I vas... preoccupied." Then, golden eyes moved to his father and new-found half brother. "Fazher," he greeted, smiling lightly at him, though he was not smiling at the cigarettes in their hands. It was a habit he was not remotely fond of. Sighing, he returned his attention to the golden woman. "How have you been?" he inquired softly, aware of his own feelings for the woman before him.

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