smoke on the breeze.

Pale eyes traced the pronounced spiral scarring on her shoulder while her gaze remained downturned. As soon as Eris turned to find him, Silas let his focus travel to her broken face. Though he had been intrigued by the design on her shoulder (for it couldn’t have been battle inflicted – not with such a pattern as that) Silas was now more concerned with the swollen features that dominated the Equites’ face. At her words, pale eyes found the doll again and his lips only pulled half-heartedly into a grin. So it was some sort of toy, though he had never seen anything like it before. He wondered if perhaps it was a gift for one of the younger members of the clan. But for now, he was more curious about her injuries. Surely whoever had done this would need to face consequences for their crime.

"Who did zhat to you?" With one hand, Silas lazily gestured towards her face. The grin that had been present for no longer than a few seconds had dissolved into a grimace, making it clear that she was in pain. Silas didn’t like to see anyone suffer, let alone someone from his clan, his family. His mind instantly pictured the male Hydra whom the young Russian had encountered upon his first visit to the clan’s lands. Because of the scars marking his own muzzle, Silas held a bias against the man. He would have not been surprised in the least to hear that this was his doing. If it was, it would only give Silas more motivation to unleash his buried fury against the bastard. He was older now and had grown into his frame, so perhaps he’d be able to hold his own in a battle against the warrior. Silas was no natural fighter, but he had the rugged build of the influencing Russian pirate blood running through his veins. "Zhey vill have to pay for vhat zhey did," and his hands involuntarily clenched into fists.

table by kahilli
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