Hakuna Matata

Sorry about the PP. I can change it if I need to. Big Grin

While she grasped the creature firm in her small hands, Niro went to work at its mouth, trying to free the hook from where it had snagged the fish. Clover watched with interest as the fish’s futile struggles seemed to become less fervent. In time, the thrashing seemed to cease all together and Niro had done his best to free to hook from the jaws of their meal. Once he released the mouth of the fish, Clover solely held the creature in her hands. Though she had risen to her knees to aid Niro, Clover gently eased back to sit on her ankles. The fish she cradled idly in her palms while Niro confessed he had no clue what to do next. Luckily for them, Clover had prepared a fish or two since she had adopted meat into her diet. She grinned up at the young man, and held out a palm in asking for his knife.

"Sure I do, love. It’s not too hard, though I have to admit I’ve only done it a few times. Let me give it a try." Once she had Niro’s knife in hand, Clover moved to place the fish on the surface of a large rock. With the relatively smooth stone beneath her, she had a nice work area to begin scaling the fish. Grasping firmly with one hand, Clover began to gently run the blade from the tail and up towards the fish’s head, initiating to scraping removal of its glimmering scales. By the time she was done, there would surely be a mess behind, though Clover knew all too well another of Mother Earth’s creatures would find use of the two canines’ waste.

While she worked, Clover let her eyes dance quickly to Niro for just a moment, before dropping again to her task. "Nice catch, by the way. He’s a big one." She had moved close to the top of the fish, working to make sure she removed the scales near the fins and the tail. Already, her hands were covered in the mess of scales that had already been freed from the dead fish’s body. She turned it in her hands, finding the collar of the fish and running the blade along it. "So, where’re you from, Niro?" She would be busy with the fish for a little while, so Clover figured a bit of small talk wouldn’t hurt them. When she finished with the scaling of the fish, she turned it around and slid her knife into the fish’s vent. From there, she brought the knife upward, cutting the skin until she reached the lower jaw and extending the cut down through the bony portion between the pelvic fins. When she was finished with this, the gleam of red guts shined from the parted skin.

"I’ve met different wolves from several different places around here, though I don’t think I’ve met one from each pack. There are quite a few, aren’t there? Almost five or six?" Time had come to remove the guts and Clover gently slid her fingers into the belly of the fish. Though she was slightly squeamish about this sort of thing, it was necessary in preparing the fish to be eaten. With a slight grimace to her features, she cut at the base of the head where it felt as if everything connected, pulling the guts free from the exposed cavity. Carefully with the knife Clover scraped out the remnants of the liver as well as the swim bladder, the tawny fur of her hands covered now not only in the gleam of scales, but also the light crimson of the guts she had removed.

All that was left now was to remove the gills, and with a few cuts to the attachments, Clover was able to pull them free from the rest of the fish. They'd only need to perhaps clean the fish with some water, and then it would be ready to either cook over an open flame, or for them to indulge raw. Clover looked up to Niro with a grin, quite impressed that she had been able to do all of this even under the pressure of watchful eyes. She hoped she had done everything right. "There," she declared joyfully.

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