Girls day out

300+ words.

#####Princess giggled alongside Ruri at the suggestive tone of the Dauphine’s words. They both knew what she was implying, and though some would be uncomfortable talking about such things, Princess was not one of them. “That’s great!” she said enthusiastically, finding herself as excited by the idea as Ruri had been to hear Princess refer to Haven as her mate. “I hope it works out, I can’t wait to meet your puppies!” She and Haven had never really discussed the idea of adding to their small family, and the Lady did not know if that was a good or bad thing. She supposed they might both be skirting the subject a bit nervously, not wanting to discuss what it would be like to actually be parents. Princess knew that they both had role models for what not to do, but she was doubtful about her abilities to know what she was actually supposed to do.

#####“You didn’t interrupt anything,” she said to reassure her friend. Haven was off doing his duties as a Knight or something to that effect, and Princess had been all alone in the quiet house. “I’m really glad for the visit, sometimes I go pretty stir-crazy. I need to find a hobby.” She didn’t know what she could pick up to occupy herself, but she was generally pretty bored. The young Chance woman needed to find something to occupy her time! Haven had his duties as the pack’s Knight, and Heath had his work cut out for him with the horses. Similarly, Ruri had her singing, and now she and Heath were considering having puppies! What did Princess have? Not much, comparatively.

#####Princess smiled as her friend’s gaze returned to her. “Haven and I are both really good, but he’s pretty busy protecting the pack. A while ago, a loner came and he attacked me at the borders… Luckily Haven heard me scream, or else something bad could have happened.” She left out that Haven had killed Minos, deciding that Ruri probably would not want to hear that part. “Do you wanna come in, or go somewhere? Anything could be better than just standing here,” she said with a joking tone, grin present on her muzzle. “So how did you and Heath decide you were ready for a family?” It was not something she knew much about.

Table by Alli!

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