For Your Wondering

They would certainly rise above the poor examples that their birth parents had been. Mati had no intention on being like the female that had given birth to her, and she had no plans on allowing any puppies in her care to feel a fraction of what she had the day the white wolfess had left them and for what seemed like forever after. She would do everything in her power to shield them from that.

But the two siblings needed to remember that they were not alone. They had a mother that loved them, one that had never disappointed them. They had someone that loved them, and that supported them so passionately that it seemed like there wasn’t a single shadow in their view of the future.

And then they had each other. Pack alliances nor distance would keep them apart, and with that they had something their good-mother or lovers couldn’t give them. Looking at Haven, Mati saw a mirror that played out their past. All she needed was a glance to remember it all, and remember how not to be and at the same moment how exactly she should be.

Mati waited in silence, her eyes looking down at the two male pups that occupied her lap. She was unsure how Haven would take this news, for she had blurted pretty unexpectedly. She knew that he wasn’t narrow minded, being raised by two females meant they had been born with a wider mindset then most. But still, that relationship hadn’t worked out and neither had any they had seen between two wolves of the same sex. But she didn’t believe that he would reject her for it. Her brother would never do that.

Purple eyes looked up, stealing a glance and finding that she had startled him. But he didn’t look disgusted or mortified like some might imagine, he wore the shocked face that Mati expected. Though, when she saw the shock on his face turn into such a smile and his voice brought such supportive words Mati didn’t know how to respond. She had been ecstatic that he and Princess had finally settled down and called a spade a spade and made it official. Mati wanted her brother happy, and knew Princess did. What ever happened in the past was done, those feelings gone. She hoped that his chest felt this big and his heart almost aching at the happiness of his sibling’s approval. Mati felt as if she could cry.

Thanks. She said, now almost bashful of how emotional she felt. I’m pretty sure she is madly in love with me too. There was evident humor in her voice, purely joking. She knew how Cambi felt, without question. We’re not as official you and Princess are. But I want to be, someday. She wasn’t sure what their next step would be, since she wanted it all and yet was too cautious to make any sort of leap.

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