looking for help
The girl's eyes were so flat and empty. At least, until some flash of terror or distrust lit up that dark gaze, and then Geneva would wonder what had befallen this young hybrid. She did not want to think of it right now. At present, she concentrated on providing her with immediate care. She did not seem keen on becoming clean, but that was a necessary evil at the moment. If she was terribly injured or had open wounds, Geneva knew that infection could creep in and compound her troubles.

The way she said the word mother tore the Whilom up inside. She could only imagine the word bubbling up from her own son's mouth. What if he had been lost, alone, confused, and hurt? Geneva did not know if there was someone out there looking for this girl, but she silently promised that she would watch over her. Geneva already cared about her, and she did not see that going away anytime soon. She would care for her until she was well enough and sound enough in her own judgment to leave of her own accord without risk of further injury.

"Yes," Geneva responded to both. Yes, she was going to help her. Yes, she was a mother. Geneva did not think that speaking to the wolfdog was really helping any. She was so filled with distrust. The best that Geneva could do was try to figure out a way to communicate with her. And providing help seemed to be the key. "This will help," Geneva said, motioning to the tub that was on the floor. It was low and she would not have any trouble climbing into it. Geneva walked across the hall to the tub that was warm from the backdrop of the hearth. "Get in, it will help."

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