Your Scream's A Whisper

your tables are so pretty =] and yeah we should . maybe after they eat the deer.

The deer stumbled, losing its balance and then tumbled to the ground. Moonfyre and the deer rolled as he wouldn’t let go for anything. In this split second Moonfyre went for its throat and latched his jowls onto its neck. He thrashed his head around, ripping at the deer’s neck. There was a lot of blood and a lot of struggling, but soon the struggling stopped and the deer lay there motionless and apparently lost the fight.

The blood from the deer’s open neck made him drool as it was warm and juicy. It was just what he needed at the moment to cure his hunger and also his bloodlust. He wanted to be polite and let Ember take the first bite, but instincts and hunger took over and he tore into the carcass like a savage. He had enough sense not to growl at her because he constantly had to remind himself he was in a pack now. The warm meat and blood rushed down his throat and made him more insane for the kill. He ate like a savage for a whole five minutes before calming down and eating slower. Then he looked up at her, making sure she was eating too because his mind was elsewhere.

Moon thinks Moon speaks Moon Acts &emphasizes

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