Disconnect the Dots
End this soon? Man we go fast XD. 332

Crimson eyes turned to the hybrid woman, not showing the curiosity or doubt that lurked beneath. Spirit guides? The idea did not seem impossible to Nayru, but to have the whole pack so connected to the other world seemed strange. Those in Dahlia de Mai had their own private beliefs, their own ghosts even, but they did not talk of them. Did not share them. Nayru had never told anyone about the dream lady that came and visited her at times, although she had been absent for a long while now. Again she looked over the tree, touching the puma as Liliana explained who it was and who it was attached to. Yet Liliana had not found her’s? Her eyes darted to a burned out spot and her fingers gently felt the indent left there. That they removed the art of their dead seemed strange too, but then her explanation made sense. To hold onto the past was perhaps a mistake, better to burn or carve it out and let all go on as they should.

As Liliana’s words turned away from the tree, the fairy child turned from her, a gentle smile on her face. "Yes, let’s go back to the village." Weariness was beginning to overtake her and she wished to see where the Aniwayains lived before she left in the morning. Part of her wanted to be close to the fire she had seen early, sit there and contemplate, although she was not sure if this was allowed. Well, she would if it was permissible, she wouldn’t if they didn’t allowed strangers so close. Either way, Nayru felt that the trip had been enriching, certainly time well spent. Aniwaya had a rich culture, there was more to the pack than Nayru had ever imagined and part of her longed for such spirituality in Dahlia de Mai. "Lead the way." Nayru fell in behind Liliana, images on the tree still dancing before her eyes even as they left it behind.


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