Fun in the Moon

Darn bears. They be evil. WC: 721 {7 points}


It wasn't until Layla got near her love's shop that she realized he may not even been here. Since the attack from the bear, she noticed that Saluce was going out on more patrols, not that she even noticed he went on patrols in the first place. In all truth there really was no reason for him to be going out all the time. She wanted to spend more time with him after he came home from his shop, but it seemed like he was out patroling all the time. What if he stopped at home and she wasn't there to meet him. Maybe it was best for her to just head home and wait for him there. Her mind was a reck. Here she was trying to do something special and already she was making a mistake by leaving home and not waiting for him. If things were not going to get better then she might as well just stay home the rest of her life, but then again that wasn't exactly good either. She still wanted to persue her goal of earning the co-rank of apothecary, and to do that, she would have to keep going out and collecting herbs. The mistress sighed softly as she continued to head for the shop, hoping she'd find her love there.

Layla had gone a bit of the way when she caught onto a familiar scent. The scent was behind her. Slowly she turned her head around, but there was nothing she could see. It wasn't until she turned her view downward that she found her love. He was in his secui form. The mistress couldn't help but feel greif as she looked to him. He was only acting like this because of her. He moved up onto his two legs and placed his paws on her shoulders. In her grief, she brushed her claws gently through his hair as he thought she was just leaving to do an errand. He could feel the behemoth's muzzle coming towards her but he dared not to kiss her. She knew it was because of the injury to her muzzle that he was resisting. She knew it was was for the most part healed, she just hated how there were scars left in their place. He saddened eyes looked to her love as he began to change. Would he think of her any differently now that she would be scared in two areas for the rest of her life? She sure hoped not. She hoped that Saluce would still love her for who she was instead of what she had become because of the attack. Her mind had drifted and she forgot to answer back to her love. "I'm sorry I didn't stay at home love... I thought you'd be at your shop... I didn't think you were out patroling again..."

As he changed from his secui form into his optime form, she moved her hand to his cheek and bushed her fingers through his hair. It was nice to have her real Saluce back with her. The mistress gently leaned her head onto his chest and heard his heart beat. It was gentle and calm, much better than when she first returned home from the attack. he did take note too all the things she had packed. She nodded as she moved her gaze to the wood. "I thought it would be nice if we had a cook out dinner under the stars tonight. If you could carry the wood then that would be nice. It's a bit too heavy for me..." Once he grabbed the wood, it was time to make their way to the cliffs.

It wasn't until they started that Layla's fears came to the surface. She then realized they would have to pass through Demon's Trail to get to the cliffs. If memory served her well, bears lived in the woods. The mistress clinged to the behemoth's side, afraid that another bear was going to come out and attack her. Maybe it would have been better if she took him to the beach, but then again it was not the greatest place to start a fire. As she heard the noise from animals moving she jumped and clinged to Saluce's arm. Her eyes closed in fear as they continued along.

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