Should of stayed home

WC: 689.

Still worn down, Lucia’s eyes narrowed cruelly. She had not planned on her stroll turning into a rescue attempt, and especially not someone who belonged into the opposing clan. It came into her mind to attack and kill the female wounded below her, finish what the bear had started, but she passed on the idea as quickly as it apppeared. Though the idea gave her extreme amusement inside the dark corridors of her mind, it would spur another war between the two packs, she was sure – thus, she could not follow through; she would remain civil and just let the sleeping dogs lie.

Shaking her head slowly, small beads of sweat falling from her brow, the ebony Inferni member watched the injured Dahlian with curious eyes. They lay set in their toxic green, and as she watched, it was amusing that she hadn’t seemed to mention the fact Lucia smelt of Inferni – maybe the scent of blood clouded her sense of smell, or perhaps just her judgement. A bemused smile crossed her ebony lips, and as it did, the opposing female spoke. Her voice seemed quiet, timid – as though fearful of the situation. It didn’t surprise Lucia in the slightest really; after all, today apparently was not a good day for the Dahlian female. It wasn’t often a bear attacked around here, but it had found something it didn’t like with her, thus had made its move. Lucia put it down to the horrible stench of Dahlia, the same smell that had clung to Haku when she had met him a long time ago. It would make her attack, so why not a bear? It just seemed logical.

Listening to the female, Lucia couldn’t hide her dislike about being asked to pass the female her things, but glancing over the injuries once more, Lucia’s thoughts traveled back to when Kaena had helped her when Daisuke had injured her. She frowned, grabbing the bag from near the Dahlian. Shuffling through the myriad of things that lay inside it, she finally came across the ointment and bandages. Slinging them slightly, she watched as they landed next to the female, and Lucia stared quietly, wondering how exactly the female would do it herself. She figured that she would be asked to help eventually, but until then, she would do nothing. Nothing except get her own bag that is.

Turning her back, the ebony prowler walked away from the female against the tree base. Glancing around, it took a moment or two to recall where her own bag rested, but her memory soon recollected. Walking to the old pine nearest to her, she leant down and grasped the straps of her bag. Sighing, Lucia looked back over her shoulder at the injured female. She wanted to leave, wanted to go back to Inferni – it had been enough excitement for one day, but she stayed. Strolling back to the female, Lucia crouched down. Holding herself up with one arm, knees beant like a gargoyle atop a church, those violently green eyes burnt into the skull of the Dahlian.

The question, her identity, it presented an irrestible urge. A cruel smile stole her lips, unintentional but purposeful. “The name’s Lucia,” she purred cooly, amused at the fact she would soon reveal that this female had in fact been rescued by an Inferni – the one good thing about being a wolf, nobody ever expected that she would be under their colours. But she was, and for all intensive purposes, she was proud of that fact. It kept her with Snake, and that was all that mattered.

“Can’t you tell?”
She continued, her tone sly and teasing, a flash of fire in her coals. “I’m Inferni...” The words slid off her tongue with sarcastic ease, and her eyes remained fixed on the female in front of her. She waited for a reaction, perhaps similar to one she had seen all too often. Disbelief, disgust, mostly disapproval. It was expected, and Lucia cared none. She liked the fact she was unpredictable, unreadable. She thrived off it, and today was no different. Today, in fact, was better than usual.


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