Fun in the Moon

luv luv luv

A grunt escaped the bear’s lips, in a show of strength as it stood on two legs toward the opposing wolf who was doing the same. Such a showing in front of him escalated everything. Saluce continued to put on a show even as felt Layla leave his side. Practiced eyes caught her slinking form moving around them even without directly look at her, he was determined to keep the bears attention on him for now. The thought of his mate on the attack sent a weird thrill through his body, and some familiar stirrings in his groin almost twitched in reaction to the excitement this all gave to him. Oh now he was enjoying himself.

Then the she wolf attacked and as soon as that action of hers started, Saluce’s form melted down back to four legs, the massive behemoth choosing a Halfling stance for such a fight. Layla was acting brilliantly, he marveled in her quick reflexes as his own form moved closer, powerful hind legs being wound up like a spring as he waited for the right moment. Like a stalking death machine, Saluce inched closer the bear’s paws flailing wildly trying to fight the she wolf off of it. Soon it was successful in shaking to try and loosen her grip upon its back. On cue it’s eyes left Saluce, attention drawn at the irritation at its back and that’s when those legs released with a crack of lightning. A snarl emitted from Saluce’s maw as the wolf charged then jumped upwards using his weight to slam into the upper chest of the bear. Quickly his hind legs looked for flesh to dig into and his teeth searched for soft flesh around the bear’s neck. A fury of claws and teeth Saluce was, and soon those teeth and claws started to find their mark.

The timing was perfect, if Saluce had waited the bear would have been able to get a hold of his darling, his love, and soul mate, but now as the bear shrieked in a roar of pain it’s attention was demanded back to the front, to the male wolf ripping him apart. Saluce wouldn’t be able to mortally wound the bear, he just wasn’t that big or powerful enough to be able to do such so quickly, and with such powerful paws swiftly returning to try and get him off. The bear had had enough, and Saluce realized the sense of defeat in it as his back paws dug into flesh and used it as a spring board to power himself off the bear. In a moment of extasy his form swiftly was free and he almost thought everything was too good to be true. They where a perfect couple, she had relied on her instincts and she had worked beautifully. Saluce’s love for her grew in leaps and bounds then as that short moment continued before a great massive swipe finally struck home even as he was trying to spirit himself away. Saluce’s hind quarters jerked mid air as the powerful swipe with claws catching him sent his form spinning off balance to the ground. Pain threatened to sear into his mind but the brute forced himself up back on four legs to retreat away, knowing he wouldn’t have the strength now to continue this dance.

That was enough for the bear, fear had filled it for the first time in a long time, these two wolves had hurt it, had challenged and now it didn’t seem like all this effort was worth the cost. The big male in front of the bear had been hurt by his paw but still he was dangerous with that she wolf lurking around still. Content to just leave for easier prey the bear started to run off to lick it’s wounds and find something that didn’t have claws to eat.

Saluce collapsed for the moment, panting heavily. Saluce hadn’t eaten today, and two shifts in a short time, and with a sore bleeding from his hind quarters, he just didn’t have much left in him to stand at the moment. Already the paw had caused his left thigh to swell, as the cut from the claw started to clot. The cut wasn’t too bad, and the injury itself would be more painful then serious, but as the big male decided to just lay down for the moment, the thought to return to optime was almost to much of a task to comprehend. No he’d have to remain in this form for now. Eyes looked up with a sense of exhaustion in them, wanting to find his mate. “Layla” he cried out more scared that maybe she was hurt or worse than worried about himself.

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