Fun in the Moon

Luv. WC: 877 {7 points}


Layla was glad to be in the company of her love, even if her was injured. The mistress was not going to leave his side until he was feeling better. What was worse is his leg had already been injured before and now it was injured again. With her tail curled along with her body on his back, she rested her ears back on her head. She knew he needed to rest after being injured, a new change of heart for him seeing as when she first met him, he was used to just trying to fight against the pain and walk it off. Her ears moved as she heard him speak her, trying to figure out which form she prefered. The she wolf had to admit that since coming here she was more accustomed to being in her optime form. Perhaps now it was time for a change in life. If he prefered to see her in her lupus form then she could work on being in that form more often. She had to admit she missed being in this form and running free.

Layla welcomed the behemoth's affection with open arms. Nothing made her feel more happy than when she was with him and they were sharing their love for one another. The mistress could feel his playful paw on her head as she laughed. Being the playful wolf she was, she raised up onto her rear to turn around and face his back. Carefully she laid her paws on the back of his neck and then licked the top of his head. Her tail wagged fast to see that he was being so playful even against the pain in his leg. It seemed the aloe was doing it's duty and reducing the pain on his leg. After a bit of time, he rose to his feet and looked to her, saying she should change back to make the food and then join back on four legs. She loved the idea but she knew she would have to wait a while before she could change back into her optime form. With another lick and a playful nip at his ear she spoke in response. "That sounds wonderful love but I have to wait a little longer to change forms. Why don't we just let you rest a little longer while we wait for me to change forms?" Wanting to still lay on his, she hoped he would understand and lay back down. If he did, then she would lay her head gently on his neck and close her eyes.

Once enough time had passed in order for Layla to change forms, she moved off her love and a bit off to his side. Her forelegs began to morph to arms and her paws to hands. Her long hair began to return as she stood up on her back paws. She began to grow in height and her fur shortened a bit. The mistress turned to her clothes laying on the ground and figured that if she was going to change again then she wouldn't need them. She gathered up her cloths and moved back over to her satchel. After recapping the aloe, she placed them both back in. It was time for them to go back to enjoying the evening. She swung the satchel onto her shoulder and then moved back over to the firewood. Even if it was a bit heavy, she was not going to force Saluce to change forms to help her. "Come on love. I'm ready to go. I've got some place special we're going to." She waited until Saluce got up and was ready before she began to lead the way to Aza'zel Peak.

Once they arrived, Layla looked up to the night sky. The stars hung brightly in the sky as well as the moon. This was the perfect spot for them to have their cook out. Carefully the mistress laid down the firewood and began to stack it. Once it was all neatly in a pile, she laid down her satchel and searched inside for the matches she brought. It didn't take long before she found them. They were near the bottom right next to Saluce's gift. As she grabbed the pack, she checked back to make sure her love was comfortable with being here. It wasn't too late to move if he wasn't comfortable. If he was alright, the she would take one of the matches from the pack and light it. Tending to the fire was important. She didn't want to waste any of the wood she had brought. While the fire was getting started, she would then take to her love's side and grab her satchel. She took out the plate, pan for the meat, the meat, and the seasoning. She began to sprinkle some lemon pepper on the meat and then place it on the pan. Taking a moment away from her work, she laid down with her head on Saluce's chest. It was so soft and comfortable. The mistress had been working a bit on her french too in her spare time. With a soft lick on his cheek, the french passed her lips. "Je vous aime Messieurs Mystérieux. (I love you)."

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