The Devil Returns

Word Count :: 353

The silver-shaded coyote had taken for granted that Sepirah was settling in just fine; the hybrid had assumed her Lykoi blood would make for an easy new home. Frowning, she shuffled into the cave. Her claws clicked against the rock floor, echoing in the emptiness of the chamber. “I'm sorry, Sepi,” the old woman said, her ears half-mast as a genuine sign of this. “I was hurting for a few weeks, and it was hard to get around,” she explained. “I would have checked on you otherwise.” The explaination was brief, not touching on the cause for her injuries. Sepirah could learn about Haku, but the scarred woman did not yet feel able to rehash everything over again. When she did not ache at the thought of him, maybe she could say everything that had happened.

Sepirah was the only female in a litter of boys, a princess among her brothers. The boys were not a mystery to the hybrid woman. Enkiel still lived within Inferni. His scent was faint, but it had not faded beyond recognition, and so he was still here. Mkhai had departed some time ago, and Kaena only knew their brother Machidael by name. “Enkiel has been quiet lately. I don't know where Mkhai is. He didn't come back.” Though this was said in a somber tone, the hybrid woman was confident she would see him again. He was as Lykoi as she, and this was his home, too. “I will try to find out where Enkiel sleeps. In the meantime, we can look for a good home for you,” the coyote offered. “You know I sleep in one of these caves—did you think about that?”

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