and my world falls down

She felt more lost in this moment than she had her whole journey overland to get here. Tsukiko had been certain that this would be the place to wait until she could return to Japan. In Freetown she had been told there were many packs and wolves here. None of them had mentioned a place where skulls were mounted as trophies. The grisly sight flashed through her mind again and she flinched. It was true she had lead a somewhat protected life, but she had never seen anything half so awful. Those poor souls. Surely they had done nothing to deserve such mistreatment, such a horrible fate. It almost made her want to retch, but she through force of will settled her stomach. Getting sick would not help things. Crying over her situation wasn't helping either, but her strong façade had cracked like such fragile porcelain. Setsuna rubbed against her and one of her delicate hands fell to lay on her only friend's back. She could find no words to say, for she did not know where to go from here. Perhaps this was an obstacle that she could not tackle after all.

So lost in her own fear and grief, no hint of the other wolf had reached her mind until they were suddenly by her side. Setsuna's back arched and she hissed in surprise and protectiveness. This woman did not appear to mean them any harm though, and the feline soon quieted herself, though continued to watch the other canine with a critical eye. Tsukiko looked up at her with surprise written plainly on her face. Words hit her ears that she knew and yet it took her a moment to understand with everything that had so quickly happened. The small wolf's face dropped, her eyes looking back to her lap. She brought an arm up and wiped her eyes upon her sleeve. Crying was a private thing, not something she would continue to do in front of a total stranger. " not injured." The words still felt odd on her tongue, so unlike her birth language. She couldn't say she was okay, but her fall had not caused any physical harm. "V-very far, yes." As far as they possibly could be.

The image of the skulls came to her once again and startled, she looked back to the monochromatic woman. " are not from there, are you?" she asked, voice wavering. Tsukiko didn't know what that place was, but she knew she wanted not the slightest thing to do with it or anyone who would dwell in such a place.

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