Fun in the Moon
That subtle hint was all he needed to lay back down. Again the behemoth was finding it hard to say no to those eyes. And again per usual she held sway over his actions, and yet to point it out once again wouldn’t hit the point home hard enough how unusual it was for him to be so submissive. As they lay there for the moment his nose nuzzled and explored her form, taking in her scent, forgetting for the moment the swollen hip of his. Saluce almost wanted to lay there with her all night but her form stirred once again and soon this relationship took on an amazing swing. Saluce found the will to stand, already his hip was becoming sore and stiff, the act itself pushed a sigh from his lips. Then as if on cue he stretched out trying to limber himself up for the rest of the journey.

Blue eyes looked across at her rear, tail swaying seductively from side to side, his halfling form giving him the proper eye level to admire her; like the mouth open ogling young male he acted around her. As she bent down to pick up the wood, his charcoal nose slipped playfully under that tail, massive grin across his face, before the act of the cold nose up the rear could be played out. Oh he was being bad, but he enjoyed it, and knew on some level she did too. After he was done violating her, the playful nature always evident in the actions he only saved for her, he followed tail held high in the air. Strutting as he always did even though his hip bothered him. He’d rush ahead prancing and yipping at her, preferring to communicate without words. If anything his happiness had increased tenfold with her show of agility and bravery. The thought made him want her that much more.

It was only a matter of time before the barrel would click, bullet striked, and Saluce would get the talk from her. The way that they had been reaffirming their love for one another, children would be inevitable, especially if their genetics where as good as they seem to appear on the outside. He was playing Russian roulette, one of these sessions would take hold and soon enough everything would change for him. It was a beautiful song in motion, such an immature and afraid of commitment flake he was turning into the lovable mate and father. Soon the fire was made and her head lay back across his chest giving licks of attention. Unable to return those affections in the manner his optime form would, he would lick across her face, letting his awkward paws pad at her chest again always playful.

“Beautiful French Madam” he replied for the first time using his voice in a while. Pawing playfully at his mate he continued, “You’re cooking smells amazing”.

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