Don't Worry 'Bout Me

Oooh, Aro's in trouble now! D< Also, Jaz is away until Monday, so it shouldn't be too long a wait. XP
Wc: 1071

In truth, Ghita had thought that she'd be less worried than her mate. Well, visibly anyways. Instead, the timber fae seemed to have aged overnight, of course spending a sleepless night sitting on the porch outside. The agouti mother had never experienced anything in the realm of this before, and the fearful possibilities had begun to creep in with the darkness of night. How different the descent of the light-giving orb could be, depending on the company. It couldn't have been all too long ago that her son and the mother lay beneath the stars, wondering just how the world worked in happy harmony. But even that seemed a distant memory as her baby boy multiplied in size and temperament, and the situation had drastically changed.

As soon as the first stars emerged, so did her first fears. What if he had tried taking down a bear by himself? Remembering the first time Ghita had tried to teach her son hunting, big prey like bears had been prevalent on his mind. Even the huntress needed at least one other wolf with her to take down the massive mammal - had Aro relied on size and strength alone? Trying to fight of the anxiety was like stabbing a gigantic enemy in the dark that was twice as fast as you were; it would always move away, attacking some other part of you before you had fully recovered.

Just before dawn broke, the fae finally gave in to her anxieties and set off to track her son's scent. She was a huntress, after all, and in theory the activity hadn't seemed too challenging. Ever since her romp with Alder, her walking stick had gone missing, and so Ghita had shifted to Secui form to track her son. It had taken her the better part of the day, but she'd tracked him across the ethereal eclipse plains, and all the way to Dahlia de Mai's territory.

The mother felt like a failure. Somehow, she had let her baby son fall into the paws of a pack who had barely come out of a war a few months ago! Who knew what the Dahlians could be up to - she knew no one from that pack, only that her friend Anslem had been a part of Inferni, on the opposite side of the war. Pacing just behind the border, for once Ghita listened to rational thought, and made the trek back to her manor running, ignoring the stabbing pain that birthed from her leg every time weight was placed on it. Every stab of pain felt was one less until she reached the Manor. Hopefully then she could talk to Savina and Anu, and maybe she could convince the high-ranking females that a trip would need to be taken over to Dahlia de Mai - a formal visit to reclaim Ghita's son - who, for all she knew, was held prisoner.

The injured female, unbeknownst to her, was only a few minutes behind her son in traveling. She had taken a different route - a shorter route, back to the manor, so although her son had left earlier, they had both taken different paths to arrive at the manor within minutes of each other. The fae's turquoise optics were blazing with fear and fury as her body stretched and convulsed, her limp badly pronounced, now. Her ears lay flat against her head now, out of the tempest of emotion that was ravaging her body - all in all, she was a fearsome sight. But to those who knew her, like her mate and son, they would be able to see beyond the angry facade to see the quaking fae who had truly been scared to the bone.

As she ran, she had refused to think of the possibilities that could have befallen her son at Dahlia de Mai. Instead, she went over what she would say to Anu and Savina as soon as she entered the Manor and assembled a meeting. She had never been an eloquent speaker, but she knew that this speech, and their speed, might save her son's life. Ghita could not make any mistakes. In her heart, she knew that Savina would be moved by her plea, and would probably want to act just out of love for her nephew, but the ebony sister was bound by chains to her pack, and could only act in their best interest.

Whatever Savina would decide to do or not do, Ghita knew that she would charge down Dahlia's borders to go after her son, even if she died doing it. Nothing could defeat a mother's love, or rage, especially once they had been combined.

But the fates swooped in to intervene, luckily preventing a possible war between the two packs, and the agouti female stopped as her senses were assaulted by her son's scent. Unable to, no, unwilling to fathom what state her son would be in, as his scent was fresh, the fae instead kept running, until she reached the manor, and saw her son's large frame nearing the doorway.

All emotions melted away from her, and Ghita simply began to shake. Running on shaking legs, she half-crashed half-tackled her son, muzzle seeking out his fur, her son's fur, to reassure her that her son was alright. That he hadn't been taken prisoner or beaten, and he was in perfect health. Lying there for a few endless moments before standing up, a change had come over the mother, and her eyes once again sparkled with rage. But this time, the rage was directed at her son, for the mistake he had made in worrying the two parents nearly to death.

Standing up, all the while saying nothing, she turned her head up towards the stairwell, where she hoped her mate would be, and called out to him with only a hint of the razor-sharp edge of anger in her voice. "Jazper? He's back." Scrambling for the air that had deserted her, the mother's breath was ragged with relief and exhaustion, and the fae limped over to a chair, something to take the weight off of her leg. Ghita was limping more than Aro had ever seen her limp, that she knew, but she barely cared. All she cared about was that her son was home, and the parents would have to teach him a lesson that they had missed out on.

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