Fun in the Moon

If you're curious about the one pup she's taking about, it would be a wolf with this coloration. WC: 732 {8 points, 1 for Word of the Day}


Layla couldn't help but make a noise at Saluce's sudden move to her and stick his nose under her tail. She took in the moment as a bit of a surprise, but she soon calmed back down and turned her head back, her gaze looking down to her tail and Saluce. Her zetetic orbs searched his eyes for that passonite love she so desired from him. She always saw it, dancing in the sparkle of his icy blue gaze. The mistress couldn't help but turn around and wrap her arms around his neck, just as any human would to a pet dog, only she kept her muzzle near his so she could nuzzle him before moving on. As she moved back onto her feet, she looked to her side as the male excitedly followed her. He was just like a dog, but Layla hated thinking of him that way. He was her mate and as such, he was to be treated better than that of a lowly pet. She was however glad to see Saluce with much more excitement in his step. She was sure this was because of her bravery in attacking the bear. Come to think of it, she wasn't scared walking in the woods anymore. She faced her fears and the results have shown. Now if any bear dared to show their face in Dahlia territory again, she would be there to chase it off. The blood from the wounds she inflicted was drying up and staining her white lips. Quickly she licked her muzzle to get rid of the blood and smiled to her love.

His chest was so warm, partically because of the fire. What if it were the other way around and she were the one laying there, but the reason he was laying there was not because of comfort. No she imagined herself as being pregnant. The newborn pups growning inside her as their father made them comfortable with his love. Perhaps if he was even lucky, they'd show their love back with their movement. While it may not be comfortable for Layla, she wanted nothing more than to bear the behemoth's pups and be a mother. Motherhood sounded like a hard task, but she was sure that it would all be worth it in the end. Nothing but the thought of pups swam in her mind. What they looked like, how they acted, what gender they would be. She hoped that she'd have a pup that was just like Saluce. Beautiful but strong. What if one looked like Layla but with Saluce's colors? Even that would lovely. With her eyes closed and lost in her daydream, she carefull rubbed her head against his chest.

She was broken from her daydream as he was paying at her chest playfully. She couldn't help but giggle which soon turned into a laugh. She was glad to hear him comment on her french. It was thanks to him that she was able to speak it in the first place. She moved her head up to his muzzle and nuzzled him. "Thank you love, but without you I wouldn't even be able to speak french." His next comment was on her cooking. She hadn't even started on the mean yet. It was just seasoned raw meat sitting in the pan. She sat back up and moved over towards the fire with the pan. Because it was metal, she made sure not to hold it too close so she wouldn't burn her hands. She could smell the wonderful flavors coming off the meat as she leaned backwards to grab the plate. Once the meat was done on one side, she flipped them onto the plate and then flipped the non cooked side back into the pan. They would have to cook a little longer before they were completely ready. Once they were, the mistress carefully laid the meat on the plate and moved back over to her love, setting the plate down in front of them. "They're all ready. Why don't you take the first piece and tell me what you think." Once he had gotten a piece, she reached and got one for herself. She would wait before he took the first bit before she took a bite out of her own piece. The night was perfect. She couldn't wait to give Saluce the gift she had for him.

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