Cast away the clouds


Anann often talked to the stallion. If nothing else it helped her to sort through her own thoughts and while he was capable of giving guidance, though perhaps unspoken, Rem often let Anann come to her own conclusions. Lending her little more than a friendly ear as she worked through her thoughts. Anann saw the stallion as a major guiding force in her life, while in the stallion's opinion all he did was urge her to follow her heart. Where that lead was for her to decide. Still he freely gave his opinion of the various men in her life, no matter their closeness to his golden charge. It was completely up to wolf to decide what she felt for the Russian man, all Rem could do was offer his approval. The time alone he had granted the two on various occasions his only voicing of such an opinion and one that had not gone completely lost on Anann.

Quite absorbed in the world that was shared between rider and horse, Anann was not completely oblivious to the presence of the Marshall around the stable yard. The motion of the black and white horse running to join the rest of the herd caught her eye, bring her gaze up from the tangled mane in time to catch the approach and wave of her friend. Grinning broadly she offered a wave of her own. Then patting the ground next to her and the horse, she urged Heath to come and join them. "How's the new project coming?" Having bumped into Heath quite regularly she was aware of some of the difficulties he had been having with his newly acquired stallion. The attention of her fingers and eyes had returned to one tangle of many in the black mane that flowed over her lap.

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