So I guess its no suprise I can't forget you.
Uhmm... a lil' bit more... Tongue

"This place is where they put the humans that used to walk this earth... The dead ones."

Yuki explained to BIOS about that place... if the plan was to scare him, she was having success, BIOS all his life disliked talking about walkers, and even more when the word "dead" was implied... The pup gulped after this comment and felt for the first time the cold wind freezing his back... It is easy for the poets to believe in ghosts and other manifestations from beyond an so it was for BIOS, who started to perceive any natural noise -like the waving of the grass with the wind- as something suspicious and scary..! Poor mommy's boy, now that he knew that information about that place, he would hardly leave alone now...

"D-d-d-dead walkers..? They're here..??"

The pup stuttered while turning his gaze to the left and right of his nervously... Could the dog be able of keep his attention on the conversation..?

"Even when I'm happy sadness inhabits my eyes, huh?"

Yuki suddenly added, It was not about humans or how unsafe night was for a lonely dog, they even talked about her promise to him one week ago, these words referred to her... BIOS listened clearly and his attention was -in part- caught again. He could not comprehend very well the meaning or sense of those words... was she saying that she has a sad nature..? or she was just saying that she was happy in that moment even when it was not apparent..? BIOS breathed deep and tied to wash away his mind from all the "walkers" thoughts and then looked again into Yukis eyes...

"I really like your eyes, they're so pretty,
warm of day and mystery of night in one gaze...
No Yuki dear, the problem is not in your eyes,
Is just that... well... I don't know... I fell pity..."

Was that selection of words really OK..? "pity" was a strong word in his vocabulary that most times referred to "embarrassment" for someone like a stray dog that only enjoyed at cost of others... but this time that was not what the dog meant with his words, he meant that he felt empathy, that Yukis humour made him fell sad as well...

"Yuki, is there something disturbing you?
Is there some trouble you cannot blew?"

BIOS would learn with the time that he was not a "superhero" and he had neither the power nor the obligation to help everyone around him... but for the moment he thought he could help somehow his friend...

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