Chase your dreams but always know the road

He came out of the brush quickly and quite suddenly, and she barely had time to react before he was hugging her. Grace wasn't squished, as she'd been off to the side, and Addi held onto her with one arm as she hugged Jefferson back with the other. When they left their embrace the pup squirmed in her arms, flailing her legs, a sign that she wanted to be put down, and Addison reached to place the copper whelp down in the grass. Grace had been too small to really keep up on the trip over, though she'd put her down every once in a while to run around when the pup had gotten restless.

"I didn't feel like fighting..I went off to find my biological parents" She said, crouching down by her sister and offering her a hand to rough around with. The whelp didn't seem to notice anything different about Jefferson at all; this was, after all, how her mother had looked. Scarred up and disfigured. It was just another wolf that had owchies on its face. Grace gave a small growl and bit on Addison's fingers playfully as her sibling rolled her around on the ground.

"Hungeeeeee" The pup said after a few moments of roughhousing, reminding Addison of the fact. She stood up again and looked back to her father. "She's really hungry; she hasn't gotten to eat for a few hours. I took some milk with me to feed her at the time..but it's run out now. This is Grace D'Angelo--my younger sister. Dierdre wasn't taking good care of her...and my brother Sirius convinced me that I ought to just take Grace with me. I bet he took off after I did, to avoid talking to Dierdre. But..I don't think Grace will be missed. She really wasn't taking good care of her, I wouldn't kid around..she barely ever fed her or anything. I thought we would both be better off here, where I know it's safe and where I know there's support."

She had grown up a little, it seemed. Maybe it was the added responsibility of a child that had made her so; Grace would always come first. She looked back at Jefferson hopefully, picking the child back up. "That is, if you would let us stay. I know that I left before, but I've grown since then..I don't plan on leaving any time soon." She patted Grace lightly, the pup looking at Jefferson as well, her small tail wagging slightly.


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