You're the Best Thing That's Ever Been Mine!

lol Heath-dad is cute! ^_^

Soft, ivory hand continued to pet Stark as she waited for Heath. However, it did not take long before Ruri could hear Heath running towards her. Actually she heard the thundering sound of hooves as the herd scattered before the luperci running past them. He ran so fast that Ruri assumed he must have thought something was the matter. An amused giggle escaped her vocals as he finally reached the fence and asked her what she had calle him for. He hopped the fence before she got her answer out. "The pups are moving! I wanted you to feel them," she replied, turning her milky blue gaze towards her mate. Her hand patted her round belly as if to signal to him where to put his hand. The pups were still kicking, in fact they had barely stopped since she woke up. Ruri wondered if this would become a habitual thing for them. It wasn't all that uncomfortable, but occasionally she would feel what she could only guess was a puppy leg pressing against her insides that wasn't particularly enjoyable. However, the excitement over the fact that she could feel them moving far overruled the occasional discomfort.

She knew Heath would probably be really excited. When he had found out about the pregnancy he had been almost more excited than Ruri, if that was even possible. The idea of being parents excited them both, for it would be their chance to love children of their own, to be better than their own parents. Ruri never brought it up, but she knew that when her pups were born it would be her own personal triumph over her mother. She knew her mother would never know that she was even alive, but Ruri knew. Then their was Heath's history with his father. WIth a family of his own he would have pups that loved him, that he could love and raise like his own father hadn't. Such thoughts, however, were not on her mind. She was just too excited to let Heath feel their children moving that all other thoughts were pushed aside.


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