the angels will just keep on multiplying

Feel free to use heave machine gun fire on me. 300+

As the bickering antics played out among the three puppies, Kansas stole a surreptitious look towards his mate, scarred lips twitching with the smile that lie in wait. There was carefully concealed humor in her emerald eyes as well. He was glad that he could share such glances with her, enjoyment with her support of the comical, yet trivial behaviors of their little creations.

All three were wild with anticipation for the adventure they as a family had finally settled upon. He silently watched Artemis prod for a response from Parker, touched by the rambunctious little female's concern for her silent sister. Next his eyes searched for Parker's reaction, little more than her usual smile of agreement that, thankfully, corresponded with her nosier sibling's excitement. Now that the fragilest of his children was satisfied, Kansas strode toward the door, letting Silvano race out ahead of him, the boy's energetic cries putting a smile on the pale wolf's face. At the front door, Kansas paused and spoke to his silvery son, simultaneously pawing the front handle and swinging the door ajar with his muzzle. Just promise me you won't eat any bees... That would be an... unfortunate mistake, he laughed, remembering the day childhood wherein he had unknowingly chomped at a bumble bee and consequently suffered a swollen mouth for days afterward. Propping the door open with a snowy paw until the girls joined them, he leaned a little closer to his son and spoke in a tone of mock secrecy. Ants... they're tasty. Between you and me. He nibbled the furs on top of the boy's head as his eyes searched into the recesses of the Manor, seeking Savina and their daughters, who could not be far behind.

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table by erin

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