Hands to build a house; Hearts to build a home

Leaning back, the Russo thought for a minute. All of his real adventure had been on the boat on the way here. What had happened on that trip that would make for a good story? He winced as he accidentally rubbed a blister on his hand. A reminiscent look fell upon his face as he remembered the blisters he had gotten when he had first began working on the ship. Now that was a story to tell, yet there was not much he wanted to share with all these people. Some where a bit more personal and more embarassing, like how sick he was when he had to get used to living aboard a ship for so long and the limited rations on it.

"Vell, I can tell you zhis one zhing zhat happened on zhe boat in zhe middle of some choppy veather," he offered the group. It was a typical story, really, with rough seas, fierce wind, and a daring rescue. It was the masculine version of a princess rescue. "Zhis vone day on zhe ship I took here, ve were caught in zhe middle of a storm. And a storm on zhe open seas is dangerous at best, yeah?" Anatoliy shot a look at his father at that, knowing the man would understand instantly. "Vell, zhis was vhen all i did vas tie lines on zhe deck and clean zhe decks." It would not be a terribly long story, but hopefully they would like it. Maybe. "Anyvay, ve crashed into a huge vave; zhe entire ship shuddered and sounded like it vas being beaten vith a zhousand hammers at vonce." He shuddered at the thought of it, remember the feeling of the uncertain footing, slippery with salt water spray.

"Vell, vone of zhe older members of zhe crew vas vorking on zhe rigging, tying it down, yeah? Vell, vhen zhat vave hit, he tumbled off zhe ship, into zhe choppiest sea you ever saw." It had not been raining, though the smell of a sea rain was on the air at the time. Or was it just because of all the spray from the waves? "I vas about to shout for somevone to help zhe man, but before I could, anozher person was in zhe vater. I did not see who it vas but zhey had a rope and zhey got it to the ozher man. Vhen zhey bozh got on zhe ship again, I saw zhe cabin boy who was the one who had jumped. Zhis was anozher yearling who had come to vork for zhe ship and he risked his life for a man he did not know very vell at all. Can you imagine?" He did not mention that the boy later took ill from the cold of the sea at the time. He might have died by now; he had been very ill the last time he saw the boy, which was when he had left the ship for this place. "Can you imagine zhe bravery he needed to have to just... jump?"

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